Last night I was chatting to Gail about cats, as we do. She still works at Freshfields and was telling me that three middle-aged cats are being returned after their owner died. The cats are from 10 to 12 years old and sadly will now struggle to find homes. We talked about Mam and I told her I hadn't broached the subject of her having another cat yet. I can see issues, my brother's allergy will be a problem, and mum is passionate about feeding the birds these days. As lovely as the birds are, they won't keep her company over the long Winter nights will they? But of course it is completely her call. These cats would be about the right age for my mum, but I don't feel ready to discuss it with her yet. Rescue centres have rules about rehoming kittens, it's a no-go where toddlers are concerned, and obviously an 80-year-old would not be considered as an option for a kitten. The long term welfare of the animals have to come before the feelings of people, but of course most animal lovers completely understand that. Since a kitten can live 20 + years, we really don't want to think of them ending up back in rescue in middle age, do we! On saying that, because of my past I feel strongly that anyone who wants an animal in their lives should not be deprived of that, there is a dog or cat out there for everyone who wants one, it's just making sure it's the right one!

When I was a child we didn't have a dog. My grandparent did but we didn't. I had never wanted anything more in my life than a dog of my own, a GSD of course! To be told year in year out, no you can't, left me with some bitterness, and now because of that I will not accept anyone telling me what I can and can't have. It was a bit of a joke between Steve and my Dad, because they hadn't let me have a dog as a child that I was over compensating as an adult. To be honest it's probably true and if I want it now, I will get it, and I would lose respect for anyone who tried to stop me. Naturally I'm quite happy to talk it through, and if there are reasons not to, then I take that onboard. There was one kitten whilst I was at Freshfields that I really wanted, but Steve and I discussed it and I could see it was not the right time. More recently there was Orin's daughter, the blue collard bitch now called Taz. Delwyn offered her to us for free, at the time my father was poorly and Steve had had his diagnosis, we knew his treatment plan would be gruelling, it simply wasn't the right time for us to have a puppy. Later when the puppy came available again it broke my heart, but I had to say no again. As much as I wanted her it was not a healthy environment to bring in a puppy. Dad had died, Nico and Jezi had died, we had covid and Kaiah was hormonally off her rocker. No one told me I was not having her, no one dare, or I'd do the opposite, it was my decision, common sense for the puppy and all at Blanik prevailed, but I still cry about it now. To be honest I do think it goes back to my childhood, when I left home I decided then that no one would ever stop me having anything I wanted again, deep down it only breeds resentment, and that's why in this situation I treat others as I hope to be treated myself. If Steve wants something, then he should have it.
Arya and Orin's pups are looking great. The photo is of Soloman who was Mr Orange and he will hopefully be making it into the showring.