Friday 12 August 2022

Mistake Number 3

If you were a 80ies teenager like me you'll remember "Mistake Number 3," or you may do anyway? 
Last night Steve walked in to the kitchen, he said that he did say "Wait." "Wait" is the most important command in this house. I was taught as a training instructor in the 80/90ies and then wait and stay were two very different commands. I never use stay these days, it is irrelevant to my lifestyle with these dogs and I find it a much weaker, less imposing command. There is no mistaking "Wait." 
Getting back to last night, Steve walked into the kitchen "Wait," but Zeus charged out past him, mistake number 1, Steve had not closed the utility room door, mistake number two ... Zeus flew at Orin and Ross who due to Siska's season were thankfully crate ... Mistake Number 3! I ran through, yes I can still shift when need be, as it happens it was not a serious incident, but it could have been! This is what I mean about human error. Did he remember to say "wait?" I take him at his word that he did, but he didn't remember to close the utility room door, and therefore someone "forgot" to Wait!
Living with dogs who don't get on is not for the faint-hearted, being on the ball constantly is hard work. Thankfully they usually listen, hopefully this was just a one-off, a blip, we'll blame Siska!