Friday 26 August 2022

A Close Call

Picture it, I've moved Ross' crate into the middle of the room to hoover behind it. His bedding is in a heap in the back of it. I crawl in and pull it forward. Loki is standing by my left shoulder, supervising .. as they do. I hear a crash in the utility room but think little of it, I carry on with what I'm doing. Loki starts to growl, I turn my head and Zeus is standing there by my right shoulder - he now starts to growl too. I'm unnerved, but I have to act quickly, I get up off my bottom onto my knees, I grab Zeus's collar and push him backwards into the utility room. I become aware of the fact that Loki has run away, as he would, but Zeus is still growling. I can't close the utility room door as I have the hoover cable running from there and anyway the hoover is in the way. Somehow I managed to shove it to one side and close the door as far as I could over the cable. I call Loki and I'm instantly able to get him into the bedroom and close the door. I let Zeus out of the utility room and say nothing. This is the second time he's managed to get out of this crate, Nico used it for 10 years and not once did he get out of it. The first time I doubted myself, wondered if I hadn't closed it properly, well now I know that I did. This crate is no longer safe, we have to re-think and re-adjust. 
I must admit that whilst I was able to deal with the incident, it left me quite unnerved. My legs turned to jelly and I felt sick for a bit. Loki definitely growled first, but thankfully he's quite a coward, we saw that when his father chased him in one time. Zeus was not for backing off and even after Loki had gone he continued to growl. Loki has to be my priority, I doubt he'd survive an attack from a young, fit male. I really do have to re-think things now. I so wish I hadn't let my heart rule my head a year ago, I do have regrets, I admit, hands up, I did the wrong thing for Zeus, for us and the rest of the pack. We are where we are and now we have to deal with it!