Sunday 14 August 2022

Do You Like This Weather?

I hate it, the only thing I like about it is the glorious sunsets. It's too hot for me and the dogs who really don't know what to do with themselves. Luckily the cottage has quite small windows and I constantly hear Katrina's words, don't let the sun in - she's right, closing the curtains makes a huge difference. Talking of Katrina, she's getting up at 5.30am to get her 14 GSD's out before it gets too hot. She's trying to keep them quiet so the neighbours don't complain, but I guess that's not easy. Maybe she doesn't have a Ross though! Like me, and a few others I've talked to, the afternoon heat is making her feel physically ill. I'm light-headed and quite wobbly bordering on nausea every afternoon. 
What can you do in the weather? It's too hot to do anything with the dogs, too hot to clean - though I did move all the crates yesterday morning and changed the vet beds in the middle room. So far today I've done nothing! Being fair skinned, I don't know how people can sit out in it, I'd be covered in a heat rash within minutes. Not even Steve, the sun lover likes this, he's finding it just too hot to function. I honestly feel trapped in the house -  and today I should have been at a dog show. (I've just seen on Facebook there would have been 9 in Orin's class and 5 in Callan's class)