Friday 5 August 2022


Ziva has never been one for pushing herself forward, always happy being there but not fussed that she's not the centre of attention. She and Sammi are close, she gets on with all the boys and she tolerates Kaiah and her daughter. She's not a troublemaker like Jezi was, but she won't be pushed about either. With Kaiah being so hormonal, I have to really watch for negative body signal between the bitches right now. It's easier to ignore Ziva and call Kaiah away from any situations, I currently can't even brush Ziva without Kaiah having a strop. Don't get me wrong Kaiah is a lovely girl, but she's like a different dog for the period after a season when she would be pregnant. As much as I hate it, I feel for her, hence now moving plans forward to the beginning of the year. 
Ziva is getting old, but no one has told her, she appears to have no stiffness or aches and pains. I feel as much concern for her missing walks over these last few weeks as I do for the youngsters. Keeping old dogs fit and not fat is paramount for their continued health in their twilight years, at the moment Ziva is a little more fat than fit! 
With Zeus now in the living room a lot more than before I've started taking Ziva into the kitchen whilst I'm cooking, some alone time for her and me together. I know Sammi would love to come too, but I want to give Ziva some special time now.