Tuesday 30 August 2022

Not Eating

Here we go again, barely two weeks after the end of her season and Siska has not eating breakfasts yesterday and today. What do I do? Eat it or lose it is my normal practice, but I sympathise that after a season hormones are at play. Did she do this last time? Did I make a note of it? Answers on a post card please because I don't know, but I will look back later. The only time I remember her not eating was when she had whatever it was in her throat. 
I don't want to get into a habit of adding things and for her to start to expect it, on the other hand I don't want her to lose condition either, unlike Ross she has a reason for not wanting breakfast right now. Hard decision, maybe I'll see how she goes with her evening meals, if she's eating that I'll increase it slightly to get us through this time. 
I do wish Ross ate a little more, but there you go, he is who he is.