Wednesday 17 August 2022

Day 22

Woohoo it's over and everyone is back together. Siska will be glad of the boys to play with, Sammi and Ziva don't play with her and Kaiah really isn't in the mood for her stupidity. 
Chatting away to a friend last night and Siska came and stood in front of me. Wow she looks great, bloody great. I've never had a bitch with so much feathering, it really does complete an already pleasing picture. Surely she can only get better now? We only have three Ch show dates left this year, and the judge in WKC is really not someone I have much faith in. She described Louis as plain of face, no, I'll never forgive her and I haven't done well under her after that with other dogs either. This is her last chance, and only as Sarah will be taking the dogs in. I've got that paranoid about her that I thought it was my face that didn't fit! 
Orin is really chucking his coat so after Friday I think I'll bath him and strip out anything that's left. The next show is Darlington, so that will give him time to at least look less tatty. I know that even out of coat he has plenty! 
Funnily enough, we were talking about Orin's class competition last night, well two of them and I was honest in saying I prefer mine. You all know how critical I am of my own, some of you have told me off for it, but now with the two dogs considered, I prefer my own! One of them is leggy and lacking bone and substance, the other, well as my friend said, he is just a nice pet! His owner doesn't see it that way, and they have been ranting that their dog can not get past the "handlers!" You know I've said that myself, Orin has a nice dog with the most well known handler on the end of the lead in with him, sometime we struggle to get past that combination, sometimes we don't!