Thursday 11 August 2022

Ziva - The One Who Stays At Home

Well our Ziva is 11 tomorrow, just celebrating with her this year as poor Jezi didn't quite make it this far. Ziva was a stunning puppy, so much show potential, her movement out classing many that had been before her. Sadly a catalogue of disasters on her first night at training made sure that Ziva would hate training and shows. I tried really hard to get her over it, but the events were far too imprinted in her head, and in a show or training class environment she became a different dog. Though I was devastated as she had so much potential, there was just no point showing a dog who hated it as much as Ziva, and she hasn't set foot in a show for 9 years. I guess most "show people" would have rehomed her, but that's not what we are about, once you are part of this family, unless there are mitigating circumstance then you stay. Of course hindsight is a wonderful thing and really it would have been better/safer for all had we rehomed Zeus. 
Ziva is a very sweet girl, affectionate and obedient. No one outside the family really knows her, sad really as she loves people. It would be lovely if the people with pups from the "I", "J", "K" and "L" litters realised and appreciated that Blanik Hippy in their pedigree is Ziva. She may have only had one litter, but mated to Nico she gave me super Sammi. I guess her importance to Blanik really is underrated. Unlike her mother Asha who charmed everyone with her thieving and greed ringside, Ziva simply hasn't been "seen" unless you follow the walking/group photos. 
The top photo is of a very young Ziva striding out and me struggling to keep up. Her natural movement is still outstanding, effortless, she seems to float. The bottom photo is of a veteran Ziva in stance at home, sad she isn't knocking the socks off the others in veteran classes isn't it. Ah well, at least I have the pleasure of watching her gaiting freely at home!