Wednesday 24 August 2022

A Dream

I often dream, but last night's dream was vivid, intense and left me emotional. I was telling Lesley that I had given Nico and Jezi away, she was disgusted with me, as only she could be. I told her I was going to try and get them back. I had given them to Janet Poynter (A lovely friend who'd had two Blaniks) and I told Lesley that when I got them back I would never give them away again. In the dream I saw them both so clearly, Nico was so close that I could touch him, Jezi a step back, as she always was. I woke up and cried my eyes out, it was so emotional, to almost touch them and have them taken away again. Obviously, I didn't give them away, old age and the normal progression of life took them away from me, so I guess the dream was a mixtue of loosing them and other events which left me devastated this Summer.