Wednesday 3 August 2022

We Went Out

First time out for days, they have been so good during these last few weeks and months when they've had less than they should have had! Though Ross did bring a fuchsia into the house the other night, and he has trimmed back those big daisy things - as he does! I have to admit, I was exhausted after going out with them, but in the long run it can only help to be outside in the fresh air ...and then sleep. 

The boys are getting more and more interested in Siska. I guess she ovulates earlier than Sammi and Kaiah, a 21-day season would be great for a change! I need to make notes now of when things get totally "hot" here, it will be helpful for the future. Kaiah has been hormonally vile again today, she flew for Orin, very aggressively as he was sniffing around Siska. Trust me Siska is more than capable of making these decisions for herself! Another reason for mating Siska sooner than later is so I can spay Kaiah, I've never had a bitch so affected by her hormones - during the weeks she would be pregnant she's like a different dog. So the plan right now is to mate Siska to Zalu next year and if she conceives then spay Kaiah ASAP. 

I can't imagine life without him here now, but it would have been easier if Zeus' home had worked out. Anyway he's here and he's our responsibility and mostly he's a pleasure and a privilege .. What ever, I sure am proud of him!