Wednesday 29 November 2017

Winter Is Bloody Close

 It was a tad cold at Llyn Cop today, but that was not my reason for not going back. The parking place was so muddy and wet that I spent most of my walk worried the van would be stuck when I tried to leave. It wasn't but I dare not tempt fate and go back today.
Not the best photo of the girls with Ziva wearing her ears at ten to two, 
no idea why to be honest!
 I did get a photo of the three youngsters together, but I loved these more so had to include them instead! Loki was posing for me but the photo of Ross and Kaiah is totally natural as they are stalking Loki. Not sure Ross has got the idea of hiding yet has he. Glad the photo came out as well as it was taken at quite a distance. Bit off center but maybe better that way?