Sunday 26 November 2017

Typical Sunday Walks

 Jezi and Nico
Probably my favourite photo of the groups, just so colourful.
The first of this Autumn/Winter's snow just covering the top of the ridge. 
I do love a bit of snow, here's hoping Ross get's to see some soon.
 Four Generations
Sammi, Ziva, Asha and Tali
As I returned towards the van with the girls I saw a car had parked there and three people were getting out and getting ready to walk the path. With no other route I called the girls back, put them on leads and decided to wait for the people to come past. But in what felt like deja vu they just stood there looking towards me. After yesterday I was already knackered and on a short fuse so I shouted out .. "Are you coming this way?"  One replied "Yes we are walking!" So I screamed "I'll wait here for you to pass!" He replied "It's Ok we are not scared!" OMG people just don't get it do they! Eventually when they did pass they were pleasant enough and told me they were off to take photos of the derelict cottages. One very strange occurrence though, Sammi growled and wouldn't stop growling at the third person. Her hackles were up and I could see she was uncomfortable. I wonder why? Sammi is such a people person and the only other person she has growled at, and continues to do so is someone that I'm very uncomfortable with. I'd always thought she picked that up from me! 
 And the fifth generation
Kaiah with Ross and Loki
I've been a little naughty and photoshopped the shaved leg on Facebook
Here I've not bothered!
Ross has his first "free" walk on the mountain with his best buddy Kaiah today. 
I've been waiting for ages to let them run free like this together but I was so wary because she runs so far and so fast. I don't think I've ever had such an agile dog as Kaiah. She's fit and fast, and because she's lighter in frame she doesn't half cover some ground. Ross did try his best to keep up but didn't have a hope in hell.
Give him a bit more time and he may stand a chance, unless as is typical of the males his size and weight will determine his speed.