Tuesday 15 November 2022

Ziva Update

 Ziva had a very settled night. She is a little wobbly this morning and growling at the other females like she was last time. That is a concern, as of course they will have again picked up on her weakness, but Kaiah doesn't take kindly to the growling. Everything that we went through last night is text book for animals who have had seizures, so yeah last night Vet google did help.
 "Once the seizure has ended, the dog will have a prolonged post-ictal recovery period, lasting up to 24 hours depending on the individual dog.  
 "Dogs might pace restlessly, salivate excessively, and even experience temporary blindness. During the post-ictal period, dogs are typically confused and disoriented."
So back to the beginning of the recovery period and hope we get another 6 weeks or longer before any more fits.