Monday 21 November 2022

He's Not Here Again

We had more or less made the decision to have Junior PTS today. He'd hardly eaten over the weekend and has looked pretty sad since Friday. Sadly this morning he's not here. Last night he was asleep on the wood burner, I offered him chicken and a tin of Sheba, he declined. This is doing my head in, I'm so scared that he'll take the decision away from us and not come home again. 
With 6 other cats here there is no way we could block the cat flap overnight. Who would be in?, who would be out? These cats are used to freedom, and they don't use litter trays. I'd be so scared if anyone was out that if they were being chased or they panicked and couldn't get in, well where would they go? With all the cats we've had over the years none of them have gone further than the garden when they've been ill or old, but god knows where Junior was on Friday, we looked everywhere. He was probably hidden in plain sight. This morning we have a howling gale, where the bloody hell is he? He simply would not normally be out in this kind of weather.