Thursday 3 November 2022


 Pepsi is now in season, she is related to Cookie who's due to have her litter next week, their fathers are litter brothers. Strangely she is also closely related to Carlsbro Yuri who is on the waiting list for Orin pending health test. Pepsi was also bred at the Carlsbro kennel. In years gone by Dexi was mated to a Carlsbro bitch and the breeder kept back a male, Carlsbro Boss - he was our Jay's father and therefore Louis' grandfather. Though these bitches do not go back to that breeding it's still good to know that they are top quality bloodlines. 

Pepsi's mother is an import, she is also Yuri's grandmother who then was mated to Uran Di Val Rafina, who coincidentally I had originally decided to mate to Sammi. My memory doesn't serve me well and I don't recall why I changed my mind for Ole Vom Pendler - was it something to do with elbows? Hmm not sure! 
As he's mentioned in the post, just an excuse to post a photo of Jay, or as we called him at the time Captain Chaos.