Sunday 6 November 2022

Only Two Photos

 Today should have been our family Sunday lunch out to celebrate Steve's birthday. Instead, I had dry bread and stole Junior's chicken drumsticks. At around 5am Steve started to feel unwell. He was shivering with cold and felt hot to the touch. He managed to get back to sleep but has not eaten anything, is aching all over and has what he describes as a massive headache. To be honest, he's been asleep ever since and I can only hope that this is not covid part 3!
The rain seemed to have passed and I set out for my first walk - damn no phone I must have left it at home - no phone - no photos. OMG then the rain came, it hammered it down, it was even too much for my waterproofs. It had eased by the time I got home to swap shifts, there was no point in getting changed as these showers now came fast and furious. I mostly managed the next two walks in reasonably dry weather but the damaged was already done and I had to get changed when I was done.