Saturday 19 November 2022


Getting photos of Archie is so difficult. He loves being outside with me, but he is always around my feet or chatting so his gob is open in the photos. If he is a distance away and I call him to get his attention, he runs straight over to me. Indoors is pretty much the same, other than he seems to squint and look grumpy in every photo, and grumpy Archie is not! He is such a good-looking cat but what makes him very special is his fun-filled personality, he's so naughty, funny and entertaining - and when he wants a cuddle, he's having a cuddle despite what you thought you were doing! 
I'm thrilled with this photo, but because I said his name I only got this one, he then came flying down the gate to my feet - thankfully you only need the one don't you.