Wednesday 23 November 2022

Nos Da Junior

 Goodbye little Junior, never has there been a more peculiar funny little cat, never have I argued so much with a cat in my life, but I expected to continue the bickering for at least another 10 years. 
That last journey to the vets plays with your mind, it takes longer than normal, but you still get there too soon. I felt such a b**ch, I felt I was taking him to his death and I apologised to him, but there was nothing I could do to help him but say goodbye. The tumour had grown so quickly that there was no room for food and the poor little chap was a light as a feather.
I kissed him on his forehead and cradled his little head in my hands until he stopped purring. Again, I apologised to him. 
Nos da Junior bach, diolch am fod yn gradur bach mor ddoniol, mi fydd y turkey yn saff dolig yma! 
May 2014 - 23rd November 2022