Wednesday 23 June 2021

Yesterday's News

Well I've never ached so much in my life as I did last night. I felt absolutely fine till it was time to get out of the van at home, by then my body has seized. OMG, how unfit can one get, come on girl pull your finger out, these dogs need showing!
The whole day was just wonderful, it was lovely to see our friends, and the young dogs who mostly were in unfamiliar territory took it all in their stride. Sarah cooked us breakfast and we provided lunch. With the show set up very differently we had our borrowed gazebo set up behind the vans ... now we need to get our own for future shows.
Orin looked amazing in the ring, maybe I had rose-tinted glasses on, but he looked jaw-droppingly beautiful in my eyes. He and Ian worked so wonderfully together, and I can't thank Ian enough for getting the best out of him at his first show. They looked so professional together. Isla also looked great, though lacking Orin's coat she has tones of glamour. Her behaviour was also faultless. I was extremely proud of both. 
Kaiah moved wonderfully for me, but did look a little bored in stance. The advantage of a handler, other than their fitness of course, is that the dogs are far more on their toes with a handler than an owner. Maybe next time Kaiah needs a handler too then! Well actually next time is a Champ show so Kaiah will have a handler. 
I decided to take Zeus with me yesterday. I thought it would be good for him, and for me to assess his behaviour in this kind of environment. There is only one word to describe his behaviour for the whole day .. "Perfect!" More gold stars for Zeus. haha. Seriously, I'm yet to see any nervousness, aggression or malic from this dog, for the life of me I can not find the problems! (And I've tried) 
Siska and Callan had a catch up and a play and both got to meet the wonderful Sully. Siska wasn't keen on the PMD's - "What be those huge white sheep things?" she thought. Bless her the girl did so well, taking it all in her stride. She sure has the advantage of being there at her age, saying that  I can't fault Orin, Zeus or Isla either ... they all behaved as if they had been doing it all their lives. Good K Kids - Very proud.