Monday 14 June 2021

Last Night

No new photo of Zeus as Steve took him but this is cropped from Saturday.
Yesterday we did have an odd reaction from him.
Being so hot he's spent most of his day between the garden and kitchen but in the evening it was cool enough for him to go into the kennel. I decided to give him a plastic bucket of water so he could entertain himself and maybe drink out of the bowl instead of throwing it. Within 10 minutes the bucket was empty and shredded. For safety’s sake I went in to clear up, now I was not annoyed, things like that do not bother me. As I cleared up the bits Zeus was still messing about, I went to give him a cuddle before leaving the pen. He bolted to the back of the kennel and cowered. Why? I put on my jolly silly chipmunk voice and we had a hug .. but why?