Friday 4 June 2021

Loki's Diagnosis

It's been one of the shittiest days. First thing this morning Loki was fine, by about 10.15am something wasn't quite right. He was a tad uncoordinated but still got up in a flash as I got up. I noticed he was crossing his back legs and shortly after that started stumbling on his front. I rang the vet and we took him straight over. By the time we got there he was worse, swaying, knuckling and falling over. He was examined and taken in for Xrays where they found her had server spondylosis, quite unusual in a dog so young. We've had a look at the x.rays and can see the abnormality. Loki started his pain meds but he had deteriorated further by the time we were picking him up. Taking into account that he had had anaesthetic a few hours earlier I still found it shocking that by the time we were picking him up that he couldn't walk without the aid of two of us. Loki was running on the mountain yesterday ... I can't believe what he looks like tonight, I can only hope for improvement over the weekend.