Saturday 19 June 2021

Cooling Off

Thankfully things are starting to cool off this evening. Orin is a little quieter and Loki has just eaten his supper. It's amazing how intense it gets and then it's like someone throws the switch. It's been silent now for a couple of hours and over the next couple of days normality will prevail.
Kaiah ovulates so late in the season, usually on day 20, so Wednesday was ovulation day and Thursday would have been the right day for mating her. Usually they say to mate 48 hrs after ovulation, but we discovered when she missed to Zalu that she goes up and over very quickly. Today is day 23 and the progesterone test results on day 23 last time was greater than 64 - meaning unfertilised ova are ageing and dying. Luckily she was mated on day 21 which was spot on. I won't risk putting her back with the boys tomorrow, but hopefully by Monday we'll be good to go. 
If it wasn't for the error with the first mating, idexx testing and a greater understanding of Kaiah reproductive system we would never had the litter. Most GSD bitches (Yes breeds vary) finish their season on day 21 and ovulate on about day 15. Though with decreasing chances of large litters most bitches are fertile for 3 - 4 days after ovulation, Kaiah obviously has a very small window of opportunity but does seem to be consistent in her pattern. Looking back we were so lucky to get three when Sammi was mated to Merlot, she must have ovulated on the Tuesday/Wednesday and on the advice given was mated on the Saturday. The ova by then would have been dying, yes we were lucky to have the three J litter kids. From now on I will always go on my own interpretation of the reading and the back-up of Katrina. There is no doubt Kaiah went up and over when I took her to Zalu, after all she was tested at 28.5 on the morning of day 22 (A Monday) and not mated for 24 hrs after that - day 23 - it takes 6 hours following the mating for the sperm to get to the eggs - simply it was too late! We live and learn and thankfully have Siska to show for it.