Sunday 20 June 2021

Continuing on

Going back to last nights post and how things change and work out. The first time I mated Kaiah and she missed, I was so disappointed, actually heartbroken. I'd never taken a bitch missing so badly, I actually felt like I was grieving the loss of something that wasn't even there. How could it be for the best? How could I ever see a pleasing outcome to it?  Well, all the ifs and buts eh, had it not been a weekend Kaiah would have been tested on the Sunday and we would have been off for Suffolk that day, or at the latest Monday morning. Zalu babies would have arrived and I'd have been happy as Larry. But then they would have still been in the nest when Sammi came in season, I have no doubt with Zalu babies here there would have been no Sisco x Sammi babies in Match 2020. No Orin, no Zeus ... the K kids would not be who they are today. Having promised Sarah a Sammi daughter then the mating may well have taken place later .. but still they would not be who they are today. I am so grateful that the K kids came when and as they did. I love my baby O ... and now his clown of a brother pulls the strings of my heart too. 
It was now November 2020, we were back in Lockdown. Kaiah was due in season ... Suffolk is so far away but I dare not venture there in lockdown. The stud fee for Zalu was outstanding and I was reluctant to loose it, but the kindness of friends meant the option to use Sisco and pay when puppies had arrived gave me another option. Honesty is the best policy and I discussed it with Zalu's owner, she agreed that a trip alone to Suffolk in lockdown in November was not wise, I would not loose the stud fee, I could use Zalu another time in the future. Nantwich was very doable and Fransisco is quite the dog ... enter the "L" litter  ... and now I have my stunning Siska. 
So someday, hopefully there will be a Blanik M litter, when I don't know, certainly not in 2021. Maybe if I decide to breed from Kaiah again, then maybe in a years time, if not then it'll be 2 years before Miss Siska is at an age to have her own brood ... I guess it's too early to make plans but I still do have my heart set on a Blanik Miss Otis - a Zalu daughter.