Saturday 15 May 2021

Zeus And Siska

I think anyone who sees us with Zeus knows that we are smitten with him. Such a happy silly boy. I love this photo, both beaming smiles and loving each other company. The expression here really shows off the dog that we are living with. He's so much fun ... such a darling.
Though I've made no attempt to advertise him, dog people talk and they know he's here. Yesterday a friend from down south contacted me, she had friends looking for a dog and asked if I would consider them. I asked for more details. Though fit and active it seems the couple are 76 and 77 years old. Please don't think badly of me, as I've said before there is a dog for everyone but in this circumstance, for this dog my opinion is that they are too old. I wish them all the luck in finding their dog. 
Whilst walking with Ian today we talked about Siska ... you all know how critical I am of my own, it's never rose-tinted glasses here, I see the bad as well as the good. Loki is too tall, Ross lacks the glamour of a huge coat, Orin's eyes etc etc .. but as Kaiah was growing up I just couldn't nit pick the faults, she was where I wanted to be, and you know what I feel the same about Siska. Currently, what would I change? Nothing! All I hope is that she continues to progress with such promise.