Saturday 29 May 2021

No Hard Feelings

The main man keeping an eye on things but not sharing the ditch!
As we went out through the gate today Zeus lost a couple of his gold stars, not that he had many left after refusing to come down from the field last night anyway. Oh god I was so frustrated with him, like a young Tali all over again! Anyway, back to today, in his excitement he nipped Jezi in the bum as we were going through the gate. That's a behaviour that goes on a lot between pack members, hence some carry toys, but you don't do that to Jezi. She has been so good and so patient with him, to be fair she has excelled herself, but today she told him a few home truths. The love of her life came to see what was going on, but by that time she'd said her piece and I sent him on his way. 
The walk was lovely with everyone enjoying themselves, it really is a good walk for Zeus to have joined and his grandad Nico would be a wonderful influence on anyone. The boy is just such a clown, honestly he warms up my heart, he has us in stitches every day. 
This is the style for wearing gencon's in 2021 apparently ... lol