Tuesday 18 May 2021

Working With Zeus

I've done nothing but praise Zeus since he's been here. I'm being honest and truthful in what I see. He's a great dog, a big silly puppy, I've still seen no reason to think otherwise. 
Being honest, yesterday we fell out twice, trust me that is very normal with any young dog. I hate to blacken his name again but Ross and I were always at odds when he was younger, and Tali almost drove me insane! The trick is to deal with the situation correctly at the time I guess and usually I manage that I hope! .
 Without doubt, Zeus likes to think for himself and he likes his own way. Yesterday he and I went for a short extra walk together. I decided I wanted a photo, (Above) he decided he wanted to prat about. He whizzed round at the end of the lead, had he been loose I think he'd have run around like an idiot, but he was not loose so I tried to take charge of the situation and he threw himself onto the floor. I wanted to laugh, but bit my lip as I knew I shouldn't. Anyway we "discussed it further" and as you can see I got my photo!
Zeus will not go to the toilet in the yard, I've no idea why. Male dogs usually have no decorum, they'll go anywhere. We've tried and tried with him, but it get's to be a concern when he hasn't "been" for hours and I mean hours! In the morning and dinner time I let him run up the top field, he does what he needs to do and comes back in, after all there is a meal waiting. At night I walk him round the bottom field on the lead. It all works a treat at those time, but at other times he and his ball don't want to come out of the field! This is where his lack of recall is most apparent. Yeah, maybe it's funny once or twice, but then it becomes bloody frustrating, especially when you've got seven more who want to go out!  No other toy or treat will tempt him in, I'd love to shut the door and leave him out there, but when you have a Jamie plodding about it doesn't work! I don't want to put him on the lead in our field, I want him to have the opportunity to run free there and make the right decision when it's time to come in. Two identical balls may work. Yeah, but I haven't got another one today.. so thinking out of the box I attached the ball to the long line .. Bingo! It worked, but showing the intelligence of the dog he soon learned to put his foot on the lead to stop me pulling it away! What a dog! Anyway we played and he came in to order today.