Thursday 4 October 2018

Confused Again ... Edited

Yesterday I was telling a friend that I had made the decision not to have Ross health tested. I explained that I felt that £370 to prove to myself what I thought I knew was just too much. To be honest it's money I don't have, I felt I was better off saving towards a stud fee for the right dog for Kaiah. Anyway my friend who's training to be a vet has totally confused the issue by saying .. "clicking can be caused by scar tissue though, surely worth a one off trip to a soft tissue specialist/physio of some description." This makes no sense what so every to me, but as a trainee vet maybe she knows? What do you think? Does it make sense?
Anyway I've nothing to loose except the price of the consultation, so I've contacted an animal physio and I'll see if she can fit Ross in for a single consultation and a chat. I know further Xrays or a CT scan are the only way to get a 100% of the answers, but if this is a possibility then I must explore the avenue.
I have just received a reply ..  "Could be worth me giving him a check but would need a referral from your vet." That helped!!!!!