Tuesday 6 September 2016

Someone Stole The Mountains

Actually they stole everything! 
We've not had mist like this here in a while, but my god it's been mild!
The only problem with walking is not know if there is anything or anyone out there,
and I usually like to know!  
Loki, Asha and Sammi 
Ziva with Loki towering over her and Tali
Tali's poo has returned to normal today, but I have to confess after another explosion last night I did start her on her emergency antibiotics and will now finish the 5 day course. Poor girl was starving this morning, still she had her fill of sheep poo on the walk so I'm sure she'll be fine now!!!
Jezi, Nico and Finlay. 
"Turning back here? You're joking?"