Saturday 3 September 2016

FInlay Had Another Moment

Last night Finlay gave us a bit of a scare. Again he seemed vacant and he would not make any effort to get up and move. Unfortunately at the time there was need to get him to move, but neither of us could convince him to try. It wasn't that he tried and failed, he simply wouldn't try. It ended up with Steve holding his collar and pulling forward and me lifting his bottom end up. As soon as we got him up and going his legs seemed fine, well as fine as they are anyway, and I feel movement can only help him.
I have no idea what's going on with him but it does seem he is deteriorating mentally and physically. Whilst he's eating, pottering about on his walks (and you try going without him!) and seemingly in no discomfort then we carry on .. and just clean up the poo!!!
A lovely photo - probably a couple of years old, of a very different Finlay out with Nico.