Monday, 31 October 2022

Others Out

Yes it really was this windy at home, honestly I'm getting so fed up of it now!
Happy Foursome!
Siska, Kaiah, Orin
Siska and Kaiah
Orin and Siska

Tremadog With Zeus

 Following an early morning visit to the dentist I called in on mum and then went for a walk with Zeus. Mum was very emotional and we shared some tears together. She is doing so well, but these moments will come for a long time yet.
 I walked a new path, well new to me. It wasn't there when I lived in Tremadog, but since I moved to Pontrug in 1992 I guess a lot has changed. Zeus and I were out a while, we had a lovely time and on our return mum said, "I thought you'd got lost!" 

Saturday, 29 October 2022

Blustery But Warm

Ziva, Sammi, Ross (yes it's spit!) and Loki 
Finally proof that he doesn't look where he's going - one day he will break me
Siska and Zeus - His huge mane is all gone
Kaiah, Orin, Siska - Autumnal photo 
Orin and Kaiah on the way to see Ian
And Siska about to flatten him

Food and DM

I was awake as usual, about 7.45am. With nothing else in the forecast, the wind and rain is becoming repetitive up here. As the Blaniks were all asleep I decided to lay still, but at 8.03am Orin decided it was time we all got up ... and we did! 
There was sweet potato mash and peas left over from last night, just a spoonful in everyone's breakfast, but I always give them leftovers in their meals. I even boil chicken bones and make a broth to add to meals for them. You wouldn't believe the amount of chicken that comes off the bones, to be honest in hard times I'm sure you could make a lovely soup with it. Anyway breakfast was served, but as usual Zeus left his, he is less likely to eat it than Ross, and that's saying something! 
Steve worries about Zeus' lack of appetite in the mornings, I don't, eat it or lose it. He is fit and well and always eats in the evening. Steve worries about his weight, I agree he is much lighter than the other boys, but he is not as tall and under that hair he has a smaller frame. We both agree he is not thin, so should he chose not to eat, well that's his call. Ross on the other hand is a little lean, but as I've said before apart from force-feed him, and I won't, there is nothing I can do. Ross also eats his evening meal and does eat the odd treat, but when the others get "paid" for the photos he won't drop his kong - so basically in Ross' world kong is more important than treats! 
I read with interest a conversation between DP and K on facebook about the DM test. DP dissing the test whilst K says that we must continue to test our animals for this gene. Yes I am aware that several genes can be responsible for DM and that we only have a test for one, but hell one is better than nothing? To my knowledge, I've never bred an affected animal, but I have bred carriers and taking them out of breeding programs, or at least mating them to dogs tested clear can only benefit the breed long term. Fransisco was not tested, but neither was Sammi, the test was new then, now there is no excuse. As my girls are tested clear I could use an untested male, but I'd never use an untested male on a carrier female, and vice versa. From Kaiah on, including Ross, everyone here has been tested. 
If you have never seen DM, never experienced it then count yourself lucky, I have, Blade had DM. The dog gradually looses mobility and over months to a year or two, if you are lucky to get that much quality time, they become paralysed from the back feet up. Though it is pain free for the dog, DM has no cure, it's totally debilitating for the dog and heartbreaking for the owner, so in my opinion if we can do anything to help, if it's only testing for one gene then we must do it! 

Friday, 28 October 2022

Everybody Out

Ok not a posing pic and the sun is in the wrong place, but I love this of the gang of four enjoying life. Loki and Ziva on form and full of fun. I saw a Snipe so close today that I could make out the flecks on his body. I must start taking the camera again. 
Siska and Zeus - yes he's taken it off again, but I put it back on before we set off again.
I swear I didn't put them there in that line, though I did shout "Wait" when I saw the opportunity.  No idea what they are looking at - I didn't see a thing.
The stunning blue sky was long gone by lunchtime and that bloody wind has now returned.  

Return Of The Black

I managed to get a photo of Luther late last night for National Black cat day. Not the best of photos, he's not the best at posing. He's just arrived back now demanding breakfast over an hour after everyone else was fed. He sure is his own man with his own rules.
I would imagine Luther was in for most of the night, and what a night it was. The wind rocking the cottage and what sounded like buckets of water being thrown at the bedroom window. This morning is sunny, calm and quiet - let's make the most of it eh!

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Siska Is So Funny

What can you say? 


Can you see the van going up to Plas Braich? Well on it's way down it stopped and a young smiling gentleman with a clip board came towards the fence. I requested that he didn't come too close and he obliged. He said "we are with the Jehovah witnesses." I immediately replied "No thank you." The young man nodded his head politely and said "Have a good day." I answered yeah and you. I wasn't shocked to see them here, it's not the first time and I found this guy to be far less pushy and intense than some on previous occasions. There really is no need for rudeness, and hats off to them for being so dedicated to their cause as long as they realise that religion is not for us all - I'm happy with the science and I try and live my life trying to be kind and compassionate. I don't need religion to tell me what's right and wrong, I hope I still live by the standards my parent taught me . (apart from my profanities!)
We've had family over this week who also believed in the power of prayer.
Good thing I'd gone out when they decided to pray for Steve, I think seeing them more often would give him far more comfort and joy than praying for him!

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Facebook "A" Litter Memory

 This photo came up in my memory today - wow - it must be late Feb/March 1996. Aria is the small bitch on the left as you look at the photo, and the big fat lump next to her is Dexi. I can't really identify the others, and I can't see Seffe in this photo. There were 8 in the litter so 2 are missing. Either Rocky or Jet is the L/C next to Dexi and I think Danny at the end. (I recall his ears moved first) Definitely a S/C at the back and on the floor, so Simba, Cara or Seffe.

Orin's Daughter

Rosie now almost 6 months 
Wow someone looks like her daddy
Orin at 6 months

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Tuesday Walks

Look at the sky again today - just wonderful

Monday, 24 October 2022

People And Dogs

Well you never know who you are going to see do you? I've had to see the Doctor three times in the last 10 days and I've been surprised at who was there. As I was coming out from my second visit I walked into Rhiannon, half of the Lledfegin German Shepherd affix, where I got Nikki my foundation bitch from, we chatted briefly and I walked out. By the outside door I saw her X husband and X partner in the affix, Gwyn, again a quick chat before I left for the car. She still has one GSD of showline breeding but he now doesn't have a dog at all. I find that odd, but nowt as queer as folk as they say.
My next visit found me walking straight up to another Gwyn, quite an odd little character but a pleasant chap who adored his dog. He told me that his dog Jerry-lee had died, I told him that I recalled that from years back. He was very chatty and filled me in on his ailments, as well as telling me that he no longer owned a dog but would love another one. I told him about Wil, but he did not want a neutered male that he couldn't show, fair enough. Suddenly I felt a presence looming behind me, OMG Harry, Norvisteg GSD's! Gwyn seemed a little disappointed to lose my attention but in days gone by Harry and I were great friends, and though life has changed I would still class him and Gill his X partner (but now friend), as my friends. With the loss of his last female recently, Harry doesn't have a dog now either. On the drive home I wondered if I should have told Harry about Wil, but I'm really not sure of his circumstances these days. 
Wil is going on for three years old and he doesn't like the other dogs in the home. Before he was neutered he had a retained testicle which could have contributed to his character issues. I have a problem with people giving up on dogs and generally rehoming them, to me they are family, but I also see the big picture, some dogs are better off rehomed. Wil spends most of his day in one room, he can't be around the house or garden when the other dogs are loose, so a three year old dog who should be out walking or running free is confined to one room, and is devoid of human and canine company. Wil did get on with Arya, but from day one has hated Oslo and Tyson, so much so that he attacked and bit Oslo through the kennel bars. Therefore, I completely understand why Wil would benefit from a different life and actually I really feel he should be rehomed asap to improve his quality of life. 
It really is hard letting go, but for the benefit of all the dogs in my care at the time I've had to do it myself. Seffe had taken a disliking to Lia, Lia was unable to develop her personality and was being squashed by Seffe, Seffe had been with me longer and had more show potential. Lia went to live with Frank and Linda and thrived. Then there was Jake from the C litter. Similarly to the previous circumstance, Dexi didn't like Jake and when that blew up I feared what would happen next ... Jake went to live with a friend of a friend who had a BSD and he also thrived. I guess the hardest for us was Danni, Danni was supposed to stay but we had been unable to sell Jezi and I honestly was starting to believe that she was not safe to sell. When the offer of a home became available, it broke our hearts but we both agreed that Danni was the safest to rehome, at least with us Jezi would be safe. From the day Danni left Jezi's personality started to improve, and then when Nico arrived, well her life was complete. For sister Danni and Jezi living together was impossible and sadly later on Jezi did have to be separated from the other bitches. I didn't breed from her or show her much into adulthood, but by then we had the facilities to keep two pack, by then we could make it work. 
I often consider if we did the right thing keeping Zeus. Oh, the boy is happy and I guess that is top of any agenda but from the point of view of the pack here it would have been better if the right home had come along for Zeus. The tension between Zeus and Orin is explosive, I pray they never meet without a wall or gate between them .. I pray there is never human error. Same sex siblings really rarely work. So many people encouraged us to keep him without really realising the implications on everyday life here. Oh don't get me wrong we adore the lad and having bought him into the world it was without doubt my responsibility to look after him, to make sure his future was a safe and happy one, but I do consider it would have been better for all if it had been elsewhere. Through Zeus being here Orin has learned male aggression, and through staying here so has Zeus! Sometimes for the big picture we have to let to, we have to put the pack first. Well it's too late now, but with hindsight, it should have been different, I should have done better!
Photos of Gwyn judging Loki at a companion show, Wil, and Zeus on a rainy day. 

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Ziva - A Month On

It's a month today since our scare with Ziva. She really is doing well. Back to normal on walks, shouting at her daughter and eating as much poo and junk as she can find! The more I shout, the faster she eats! I don't walk her for miles, about 20 mins a walk, but she doesn't get tired and is quite happy to go out into the field again in the afternoon. Lets hope the medication keeps her happy and fit for a good while now.

The Walks

Loved the walks, Viszla's about but no need to break the respectful distances today. 
The clouds were just fantastic and thankfully it only rained at the end of the third walk. To be honest it mattered not a jot as I was happy out with my kids. 

What You Seen?

 Stand there and wait - OMG look at that sky - Wow - Stand wait -Oi look this way .. brrrrr .... Siiissk - rattles sweetie pot, well look this way the pair of you. Damn it, what are they looking at? Best I look too; Oh bloody hell, half a dozen sheep walking this way .. too close for comfort and they are not stopping. Grabs Zeus' lead which is on the floor, reel him in. Wait Siska Wait - Siska come - Good girl, treat, excellent, lead on, bloody hell sheep sod off, let's go the other way kids. good kids, gold star for you both - Siska say they were both "Excellent!"
Seriously, they could have both gone, but they didn't. I'm very proud. 

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Lucky Shots

Siska watching her mum and looking super
Beautiful Orin's been rolling - God he makes me laugh

In The Fields

This Morning - Siska, Ross, Sammi, Loki, Ziva

This Morning - Orin, Siska, Kaiah

This Morning - Zeus

This Afternoon - Siska, Ziva, Ross, Sammi