Thursday 27 October 2022


Can you see the van going up to Plas Braich? Well on it's way down it stopped and a young smiling gentleman with a clip board came towards the fence. I requested that he didn't come too close and he obliged. He said "we are with the Jehovah witnesses." I immediately replied "No thank you." The young man nodded his head politely and said "Have a good day." I answered yeah and you. I wasn't shocked to see them here, it's not the first time and I found this guy to be far less pushy and intense than some on previous occasions. There really is no need for rudeness, and hats off to them for being so dedicated to their cause as long as they realise that religion is not for us all - I'm happy with the science and I try and live my life trying to be kind and compassionate. I don't need religion to tell me what's right and wrong, I hope I still live by the standards my parent taught me . (apart from my profanities!)
We've had family over this week who also believed in the power of prayer.
Good thing I'd gone out when they decided to pray for Steve, I think seeing them more often would give him far more comfort and joy than praying for him!