Thursday 20 October 2022


What can I say about yesterday? Probably one of the windiest days we've ever experienced in Fron. When bringing Loki in from the garden mid-morning I realised the garden gated had been smashed to pieces. Thankfully, there's no chance of Loki considering leaving home. In the evening I let the gang of 6 out for a pee and 10 mins later opened the door to let them in - no dogs. Ross arrived, grabbed his kong and legged it back out. The gate into the yard had ben rattled so much it had opened - 5 of the 6 came in on the first call - I could just make out no 6 having a poo in the field. Steve wedged the gate with rocks, but by 9 o'clock it was open again and the little shits legged it out again. Of course we have the 5 bar gate onto the property so they were safe, but I've seen similar stories on Facebook this morning where dogs were not so safe! 
At 10pm a friend posted about the lightening. Lightening? What lightening? I switched the router off and went out to watch the most fantastic electrical storm. By the time we were in bed the thunder had joined in - according to Steve it was well after 1am by the time it went silent. 
This morning there is little damage really, but the silence is eerie ...