Sunday 2 October 2022

This Morning

Poor Ziva's not looking her best here, but to be fair she did Ok. I forgot to say that Kaiah was very odd with Ziva on Friday. There were periods where Kaiah keeps staring at Ziva, even when she was asleep. Kaiah seemed very intense and almost confused. I wonder if there was some brain activity that the tablets were suppressing that Kaiah picked up on? Dogs can be trained to alert owners with epilepsy that a fit is pending, can be trained to recognise Parkinson's and a huge amount of other conditions, so why not?  All I can say was that something that we couldn't understand went on here on Friday afternoon ... and it hasn't happened since.

I love this photo so much, but with sun shining so brightly, I won't be putting it on Facebook. No photos of Zeus, he let the side down and now we are not speaking. The rope came off the ball, so when it was time to come in, he stuck two fingers up at me. Steve came to help and with Tish and the pups due any minute, I almost came to get his mother. Luckily for him he eventually made the right decision.