Friday 14 October 2022

Rubber Balls And More Hair!

The new ball is green, not ideal, but we take what we get. He's gone through three since he's been here, the red that arrived with him and the blue were shredded, but the orange came off the rope so it's still about. They are not just a toy but a necessary piece of equipment with Zeus. It means he can run riot in the field and I can get him back in without any stress.
The mass moult continues. I swear I've never hoovered the bedroom so often, in the morning it's like tumbleweed in there. Today the hoover wasn't working and I tipped it over to find masses of L/C hair wrapped around the brushes! Zeus looks rough, but still the hair continues to come out. Ross and Loki did have a mass moult too, but they were a lot younger so it fitted in with it being a classic junior moult. I must admit this seems endless and it is starting to get the better of me, but we both love the dog so deal with it we will.