Wednesday 5 October 2022

Babies Are Coming

Poor Siska is nesting, though other than the poor appetite throughout this period after her season, she seems quite normal. So yes a phantom pregnancy of sorts but a very mild one. Throws and bedding are flying in all directions, but she's equally happy to be running around with her mother or Orin.
I'm leaning more towards Vasco as a suitable stud dog for her now. It's not just distance, of course that helps tremendously, but the dog just seems to be quite special. I am wary as he's not yet got progeny in this country - and he will only have young puppies by the time she's in season, but maybe this time I'll just have to just bite the bullet! I've researched his pedigree - and the usual suspects are there, but how the hell do we get away from them and keep to type? I know some of you won't appreciate that another reason for showing preference towards him is that he's a standard coat, but a standard coat is and always has been my preference. The risk of more than 50% of the litter being L/C to Zalu does make me hesitate, especially now as they are rumoured to be harder to sell. From choice, I don't want another L/C, I got another bucket of coat out of Zeus last night and there were large clumps in the bedroom again this morning. It really isn't for me, but I still say I will keep the right one, regardless of coat!