Thursday 23 September 2021

What Next?

 Now we have another predicament, Loki has responded really well to the steroids, but today he has diarrhoea. The advice given was to stop them if he has sickness or diarrhoea. What the hell do I do now? The improvement in his mobility is so dramatic that I feel like maybe I should try and settle his stomach, to see if he gets use to them, but honestly I just don't know right from wrong. Since the dose is quite high at 25mg, maybe half would be enough to help him without upsetting his stomach? What would you do? LOL, I don't know who I'm asking, as there seems to be little interest in the blog these days. I guess it's more for me for reference now, as it was in the beginning. I get no feedback here now, and I don't put everything on Facebook  as everyone and his dog has an opinion there. Sorry feeling concerned, worried about Loki's future, and had little sleep from being up with him. Ah well I feel another telephone consultation coming on!!!!