Saturday 4 September 2021

I Said They Were Fast, But OMG

The X.ray was taken around 11am, e.mailed to Australia about 3pm and the results were back in my inbox at 4.26am. (Uk Time) I have friends who had their bitches X.rayed in May who are still waiting for the results from BVA. Why the hell is it going so wrong in the UK? 
Anyway I'm sure you can see that Orin's results are beyond my expectations. I kind of hope it would be level with Ziva who was 4/5 ... but I would have been happy with an even score that was up to a Max of 18 I suppose. This is just fantastic. His mum, Sammi, is 4/7 and her litter brother was 2/2 but these scores are so hard to get. Dexi 2/3 - I never thought I'd get that close to perfect again, but I have. Well done Fransisco and Sammi B.