Thursday 9 September 2021

Weights And Measures

Well measures anyway, If I need to get to the vets in the next few days I'll take her and update the post. I can't imagine she's put much on to be honest, she's quite lean, though eating better these days. I do think now that that ulcer was stopping her from eating normally. I checked it last night, well, I saw it as I was removing her teeth off my arm. It's really tiny now. 
This morning Siska is 58.5cms.
*** Edit - 26.6kg on the 10th ***
This is taken from Kaiah's 8 month post  "In the month she hasn't put any weight on, but I think she still looks great. She's 26.2 kg (26kg a month ago) but she has grown 2cm, I now make her just under 60cms. Of course this is just a guide, I could never profess to being accurate. I made Asha 61.5cms at 8 months, Sammi was already a much larger bitch than Kaiah at 29.5kg and by my measurement 61.5cm at the wither. I guess Sammi stopped growing at about this age, though I have to admit Sammi does now look a tad taller than Asha. Looking back I was surprised to see how out of coat Sammi was at 8 months, and though I do think Kaiah generally has the better conformation .. Sammi definitely had the better wither height at 8 months." (Siska is like her mum here too, no reason for that not to improve)
Interesting as adults Sammi and Kaiah are both only marginally taller than they were at 8 months, that is why I never bother measuring them between 9 months and 12 months, it tends to be more static by then really. Orin was 64cms at 8 months, 65cms at 9 months and is now 66cms. They do say that the bones fuse at 11 months and that any growth seen after that is muscle and maturity and not skeletal. From her 6 months measures I predicted Siska would be around 58cms I think, but she may now end up a tiny bit taller .. but I can't imagine for one minute she'll go over 60cms - woohooo.