Tuesday 21 September 2021

That Streak Of Evil

This morning Jezi let herself down badly. Whilst having a quick run in the field before we went shopping, she attacked Zeus. He was on his Flexi lead and he went over to her and play bowed in front of her. She snarled, and I thought to myself, fair enough, she's told him it's a no go .. being a young male he tried again, this time she snarled and flew at him getting hold of him between his shoulder and neck. I've known this bitch all her life and I knew this could escalate out of control in seconds. Please don't criticise me, it was all I had, but I wacked her over the head with the flexi lead, twice, but she was not for letting go. Somehow I managed to prise her mouth open and Zeus moved away, but again she was not for backing down, luckily this time I managed to block and stop her from moving forward. There then followed a torrent of vocal abuse aimed at her from me, what the feck is her problem? A 10 year old bitch should not consider it a good idea to attack a young, fit male, should they? But Jezi has always had a steak of evil ... she always goes from green to red without amber! 
Thankfully Nico did not get involved, as is his nature I guess. Zeus is not injured, he has a big coat, and he proved who he is yet again. His manners were impeccable and he was immediately happy to live and let live. Jezi on the other hand will no doubt have come in and written all about it in her grudge book! Bitches hold lifetime grudges with other bitches, hopefully Jezi will go easier on Zeus as he is a male. All I can do is thank god I have never tried her with the other bitches, I'd hate to see the consequences of her actions. These days there is no doubt she'd be the one coming out worst. 
Jezi is Asha's daughter, but I really hate it when people say that she is like her mother. Asha was a darling, a kind, confident female. Jezi couldn't be further from her mother in character, the only thing they have in common is colour.  Asha even had a soft, kind expression, Jezi has a harsh, hard expression. I often wonder why she turned out this way, why is she so different to the others? I can only be grateful that I never bred from her, and Ok really I'm grateful she's here, at least we've kept her safe!