Thursday 9 September 2021

We Survived The Storm

 Luckily I heard a rumble and got up to switch the router off. As I walked back in the dark from the living room in the direction of the bedroom the whole house lit up. The electricity and TV momentarily went off, but I gather the exchange was hit in the next village down. I can cope without a lot of things, but I go demented without my internet. As usually the animals were unaffected, but I should have realised something was afoot as Luther was staying in. 
Around 10am this morning one of our friendly, caring, animal loving farmers was around. He lost total control of his dog and the Blaniks showed their disapproval as chaos reigned beyond the boundary wall. I haven't seen or heard a sheep since, no doubt they'll be back! 
The patrician is now fixed in the van, well we'll see how strong it is when I load the girls in. This morning there was no cattle, no sheep, no sun and no wind, sadly I did see other walkers but they were far enough away for me not to be concerned by their presence. (I'm so anti-social when I'm walking) 
I celebrated as Zeus pee'd six times on the walk, (Yes sad I know but I counted) and now he regularly pee's in the yard .. I've no idea what the No peeing was about but hell I'm glad it's over. These days the only thing to criticise him on is his recall, but we've talked about that before, it's annoying but we work round it. To be honest his brother seems to have forgotten the meaning of "Orin come" too. Today he totally blanked me and continued what he was doing .. and not once either. I'll put it down to age, but it's not something I will tolerate from him. I guess I may have to take him into the office to discuss it, lol. Today I was glad Kaiah was still in control as when I called her he followed. Her recall has always been first class and so far Siska is pretty good at following her mother, here's hoping she keeps influencing her on the recall at least.