Friday 10 September 2021

Gyrn Goch And Vets

The bridge and the gate again, just a different angle for the bridge. I got one chance before Siska was off. Orin was really bolshie with her today, I take it because her mother wasn't there to give her the edge over him.
Finally, I've had a chat with Ken about Loki. He spent time telling me how dangerous bloat was, that it could be mistaken for torsion and that it could lead to torsion which is instantly life-threatening. I listened but reassured him that I'd experienced both conditions and that as Loki was able to eat, swallow and hold the charcoal biscuits down that this time I knew he hadn't gone on to have a torsion. I agree, this is not something to mess about with, and again I reassured him that we did not leave him alone for one second. As Loki is prone to bloat we already take precautionary measures, but this lasted about 2 hours the other night and it was horrific and scary. I need to know what to do if such a thing were to happen again, and let's face it, it's happened 5 times in 5 years, so it's likely that it will. Loki is in a high risk category, being deep chested, male and having a first generation family member who has had a torsion.(His brother) He is also quite a stressy dog and one who pants and sucks in a lot of air. There is no doubt that hot weather also puts the dogs susceptible to bloat/torsion at a greater risk as they pant more and suck in too much air. (The reason given as likely for Blade's torsions)  Anyway Ken has prescribed Metoclopramide, should we seen any sign of bloat again then at least we know have something to give him  which may help relieve the symptoms quicker. He did suggest I soak the kibble, but there is a lot of contradiction about that and bloat. I have always believed that dogs can get bloat or a torsion from any food, dry, wet or raw. It is completely unpredictable. Anyway, I think I'll do some more research and refresh my memory with the Facebook page again, it is full of people's own experiences and results of up to date research.