Monday 27 September 2021

Everyone In The Water

A brand new kong came out of it's packaging, went for the walk, but didn't come home. I threw it across into the reeds, and there it disappeared. Ross looked for it, I looked for it, but the aqua kong was nowhere to be seen. A very disgruntled and unhappy Ross eventually realised we'd have to give up the search and go home, his new aqua kong had sunk! 
On route to the same spot I took a walking stick and searched for the kong, again no joy! It's not often I complain about Nico, I've always said he's as close to perfect as you can get. Today he was a knob! I know he's getting old, and I do find older dogs do get awkward, but really that tends to be the bitches. Is he staring to lose his hearing? I doubt it, it's far more likely that a very smelly female had been walking the mountain. 
Mini me threw herself into the water with as much enthusiasm as the rest of the gang. She loved it! She said grandad Nico said she didn't need to listen, so she didn't! Puppy privileges will soon be running out Siska!
So off we go with rake in hand to look for the fecking aqua kong that sank! 
We decided to take Loki, his first time up here since June. It takes two to get him in and out of the van, but to see his delight, well it was well worth it. Of course I let him go in water, of course I let him do what he wanted. Was it sensible? I don't know, but as I always say quality of life is paramount!
Steve was right, the kong was wrapped up in the reeds. I eventually saw the tip of the rope sticking out in the reeds, the kong was well hidden.
Now we can take it home for Ross - Oh and my frostline wellies leak!