Wednesday 29 September 2021

Bloody Sheep

On the last leg of the second walk I came across 2 unusual looking sheep. Not our classic mountain sheep, finer built with almost curly wool. I respectfully asked them to bog off, they declined. I put Sammi on the lead, took the kong in my hand and walked towards them, they eventually turned and walked away. Ross would never leave the kong and walked by my side, Ziva walked behind me and Sammi was perfect .. on the lead, but perfect. As the two walked away I realised they were guys, young guys, but guys! I had to follow them quite a distance to get them out of the way for my next walk ... there was no rushing them, they just toddled back up hill.
On the last walk Siska and I had words, she has forgotten the meaning of wait, and down means nothing to her now. As I walk away she gets up and bites a waiting Kaiah in the back ... not fair! Today I attached a lead to her and strictly put her back every time she moved ... and that was too numerous to count! She is so like a young Kaiah, headstrong and determined, a proper mini me, but we got there with Miss K so we will get there with her. Dogs are just so much easier, Zeus and Orin are a breeze in comparison to these girls when they are young! 
Anyway we were on our way back up towards home, Kaiah and I were coming cross county and Orin and Siska had crossed onto the track. I don't know who saw them first, I just remember calling, "Orin, Siska .. Come." By then Kaiah was there too, "Kaiah come." Miss K and Orin came towards me but Siska stood there, tail up and barking ... there was no doubting they were the same sheep and they just carried on walking towards her ... "Siska come."  Fecking hell she came, but as she almost got to me Orin bolted off straight past the sheep and along the track for home, the girls followed him... and the sheep just carried straight on past me. I told them they were a pair of fecking twits (or something similar) and they needed to be careful where they go with that attitude. They didn't care. Haha. I was sweating and shaking inside, but proud, very proud. All I could do was call out "good kids, well done," when really they deserved more praise and reward. Maybe had the sheep run, maybe Siska would have chased .. lots of maybes, but her first run in with sheep, and I'm proud of the conclusion. 
I love this photo of Orin taken today. I've said before I see Fransisco in him, but I also see Blanik boys, Louis, and Dexi without doubt! I don't see Nico here ... but I do see what Nico has produced in conjunction with my bitch line. No getting away from your family Orin, and Siska ... yeah she still has a look of a young Tali, couple with Videx Mika/Merlot I think!