Friday 9 October 2020

Where We Shouldn't Be ... Again

Now I've walked this mountain with generations of Blaniks for most of my adult life. There were a few months in 2001 when Foot and Mouth kept us away, a few months in 2015 and 16 when brain surgery kept me home and in the Spring I also chose to stay closer to home for a few weeks. This was place of freedom, a place of peace and tranquillity. Sadly with the quarry traffic now up and down it's lost something, but I'm still able to mostly shut it out. But when someone builds a fence which crosses a footpath that we did weekly I found it hard to accept. It's not like me to break the law, but there's no sign telling me I can't go... so I go through the sheep opening ... yeah sorry you are not going to stop me!
Anyway today I found myself hiding behind the little bridge as one of the quarry bosses was around. Funny really a 52-year-old feeling like a kid who'd been caught somewhere they shouldn't be!