Tuesday 20 October 2020

Kaiah's Season

Kaiah season is imminent and as Wales goes into lockdown the timing could not be more awkward. Kaiah has spotted a little over the last 2 days but not really enough for me to say "She's in season," I'd sooner say "she's coming in season." I felt it only fair to tell Helen that I would not be making the trip to Suffolk to use Zalu this time and told her that I was staying more local and using Sisco. If Kaiah comes in season within the next couple of days then we will still be in lockdown when she is due for mating,  I guess I will have to risk making the journey alone. I don't mind, it's less than 100 miles away so very doable. I can't leave her another 6 months, her age is going against her to do that. Ideally bitches need to have their first litter by or about 3 years old, Kaiah was 4 last week. Seffe was just 4 when she had her first and only litter too, any older for the first litter really isn't wise. I'm not sure if I'll be updating the blog further now, I may just write a "Kaiah Diary" for my own future reference. 
To be honest I've been feeling a little despondent with the blog in general. These days sometimes it takes me a long time to write something that years ago would have taken me 10 mins. I also wonder who reads it? There is little feedback, am I just wasting my time writing to myself? Obviously a lot is invaluable to me as reference, but I could still store that information on my laptop. Yeah, sometimes I do feel I shouldn't bother ... Maybe a break will do me good!