Friday 2 October 2020

A Little Feral At Heart?

 Or a stroppy toddler tantrum? 
During the day Archie is loving, cuddly and playful, but we have both noticed a drastic change in his behaviour in the evening, well near bedtime. The games get more manic, he runs around like a mad man and launches himself at hands biting and scratching with all his might. Last night as I tried to pick him up to bring him out of the living room he turned into a pint sized tiger. He really threw everything at me, even the back legs were going, his ears were back, he was hissing and spitting and biting as hard as he could. I even had to scruff him to try and take charge of the situation, he tried to roll his way out of that and bit me again. Little shit.
This morning he's back to his darling little self. A proper sweetheart. I could hardly get on with things as he demanded his cuddles, nuzzled into me and purred with delight. I think I like this version of himself the best! 
I guess we'll have to ride the storm, we've seen it all before, but maybe not quite as extreme as last night. Cats are genetically predisposed to be the most active at night and it'll be months and months before Archie can do his own thing. I think Steve can put him back in the kitchen at bed time tonight!!!!!! haha