Tuesday 27 October 2020

Orin Today

Baby O is bored today. I've been to Tesco first thing and I'm waiting patiently for the wind and rain to at least easy, he's waiting not so patiently! If it doesn't improve then we'll just go into the fields later, hopefully that'll keep them happy. I'm pig sick that we are missing all the shows, I know that when you look at the big picture it's really unimportant but I can still feel deflated about it  can't I? Orin is looking quite nice, but I'd love to see what he looks like against other males of the same age, how he compares in size and shape. He has coat and glamour, but he is rather too proud of his hug hairy tail for my liking. Saying that I've not seen him raise it at ring craft, so I hope he'll leave it down if he ever does get into the show ring.  
I measured Orin yesterday, just curious after seeing him standing a fair bit taller than Asha. I made him 63cms. Just behind Ross was at the same age, but I do hope he doesn't end up as tall as an adult. I can't see it somehow though. His face continues to improve daily, there is now no noticeable swelling, he just needs some hair!