Saturday 10 October 2020

Orin And Kaiah

Love this photo of Orin, he looks just wonderful even if I say so myself.
Sadly it's cropped from a photo of the group of 4 so it would never be clear enough to use, print or publish. 
The little man is a little lame today after being bowled over by Kaiah yesterday. Honest to god my heart was in my mouth, I wish she wouldn't do that but I guess she always will. Little cow.  Hopefully soon he'll be firmer on his feet and not so easy for her to throw over! Orin really doesn't seem to have grown much at all this month, he does remind me of Louis at times, though he obviously will be a bigger dog. He should take that as a high compliment indeed. 
Little Miss K posing perfectly for a photo, not! (She's stopping the boys passing) It's 6 months this weekend since she was in season, she usually goes 6.5 months but I'll start watching her now. Here's hoping plans can go ahead ...