Sunday 25 October 2020


 It has been an emotional few days really, celebrating the good news with Paul that his cancer has not returned and then finding out that Debra died on Wednesday. We've worked together for maybe 6 - 8 years, happy times at a work place like I thought I'd never find again, but I did at Bwtri. Debra's determination got her to her daughters wedding on the previous Saturday - a special moment for all. 
Throughout this pandemic our Ring Craft get-togethers in an open field have been a life line for us and our young dogs. We are all too old to go hugging and kissing behind the bike sheds and care has been top of our agenda. In Wales during this time up to 30 people could meet in an outside space, there was never really more than 10 of us. We took photos and shared memories .. but of course it only takes one to piss on the parade and some bitchiness and nastiness has been aimed at the owner of the field for allowing us to use it. We/She were not doing anything wrong, and of course we will now stay away until we are given further guidelines, but at the time we were not breaking any Covid rules. What upset me more is that the person in question is on my friends list, that is how they've seen the photos and figured out where we were. So a friend of mine, who exhibits dogs in North Wales really has stuck the knife in. I'm assured it's not the GSD person I thought it could have been ... but just to piss her off here's some more dog photos!