Sunday 25 October 2020

After The Clocks Went Back

I stood looking at the amazing view, Jezi went up on the rock and I thought yeah that'll be great for a photo. I called Nico pointing to the rock, he came racing over, jumped up and knocked her off ... as only he would. Talk of a bull in a china shop! What a dog. Anyway I convinced Jezi to jump back on and as you can see Nico's tail is still wagging after he realised he'd entertained me so much. 
I thought I may try Loki with the girls. I thought it would be fun. Wrong, very wrong. 
Though he had his own toy he kept grabbing theirs and so Ziva and Sammi just kept spatting. To be honest they got on my bloody nerves and I swore not to do it again, but with Kaiah's season I may well have too!
No Orin hasn't grown overnight, I think he picked the highest bit to stand on. I was looking forward to this walk but Orin and I had words as we set off. I thought it best to take him into my office and discuss the situation with him before we went through the gate. LOL My point is simple, STOP BITING ROSS! Now Ross is a lovely boy and proving to have the patience of a saint, but he'll only take so much and having Orin constantly hanging off him simply isn't fair. Anyway Orin disagreed and I had to hand him the yellow card, he continued to protest and the red card came out,  I put him on the lead. He then threw a huge tantrum and threw himself on the floor objecting to the lead. Tough shit mate I've dealt with bigger and badder than you. (He's quite a softie really) With the tantrum over I let him off the lead and a simple but harsh sounding  "Ahh" was enough to keep his shiny new teeth off my Ross. 
Further on the walk he did forget the meaning of  "Orin Come." I decided to be patient, but he was obviously being awkward and toddled off further in the opposite direction. As he was facing the other way quietly I whispered to the other two, come on lets go and we ran off in the other direction, he soon came! Recall reminders seem currently necessary! 

The sky and clouds were beyond fascinating today, beautiful beautiful day.